Fluoridated Nursery Water Errors

To DS Waters of America

I am concerned about the content of your web page http://www.nurserywater.ca/info/contact.php

First, the .ca of your web page appears to represent that you are a Canadian business, which you are not.  Then you also proceed with claiming that your product is supported by the Canadian Paediatric Society, which it is not, but you provide a wishy-washy disclaimer.

The answer to the first question “What is fluoride?” is technically in error.
“Fluoride is a mineral” – this can not be validly claimed in your answer since you do not state what kind of fluoride you are referring to, though it sounds correct and authoritative. Fluoride is the negative ion of the element Fluorine, and as such, both are gaseous and not minerals. It is a long stretch to say it’s a mineral, indicates ignorance of the facts, is misleading to the uninitiated and is a form of disinformation that distorts reality.

Fluorine is the most chemically reactive element on the planet (look it up) and in its ionic form, its usual form when present in aqueous solutions, is extremely dangerous to all of our human anatomical components right down to the cellular and DNA levels.

I’ve done the research and know that whoever wrote this is simply parroting incorrect information claimed by an equally misinformed CDA who do no research of their own but also parrot the claims of other misinformed organizations that also do no research of their own…

The tooth health claims of fluoridation are fraudulent and based on fraudulent science as discovered and revealed years ago by the very scientists who work for the U.S. EPA, namely, Dr. Robert J. Carton, PhD. who was initially fired for revealing the vagaries of fluoridation, vindicated in a court of law and reinstated with full compensation and awarded punitive damages and court costs paid by the U.S. EPA.

Calcium Fluoride is a mineral, and is rarely found in food and beverages unless one prepares foods and beverages with such from untreated and unpurified well water: this is not the case with tap water. Yet even Calcium fluoride has been shown to cause dental fluorosis as well as skeletal fluorosis.

There is a strong possibility of legal entanglements by making the claims for fluoride as is done on that web page and I would suggest you rewrite that page to reflect current valid science on the subject of fluoridated water. See this web page http://slweb.org/bibliography.html for more resources on currently known adverse health effects of fluoride and fluoridation.

I believe that Health Canada might be interested in having you remove all health claims for nursery water.

Posted in drinking water, Environment, Fluoridation, Fluoride, Health, hydrofluosilicic acid, water | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Fluoridation – Absurd Medical Treatment

Fluoridation is the absurd, contemptuous and deliberate adding of an industrial toxic waste to our water supply as a public health measure for the spurious claim of reducing the incidence of cavities among the treated population.  “Fluoridation goes against all principles of modern pharmacology. It’s really obsolete” (Dr. Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2000).

Fluoridation uses an industrial toxic waste that also contains arsenic, lead, mercury and other elements noxious to our health because they are not bio-available, as well as uranium238, polonium and other radioactive elements. They are dumped into our water supply unpurified, unregulated, unapproved and untested and passed off as tooth medicine. That’s amazing!

It’s important to understand that this fluoride, hydrofluorosilicic acid, is not a natural mineral, nor a pharmaceutical grade fluoride. Instead, the chemical used is the highly hazardous, industrial toxic waste from phosphate fertilizer industry who extract the phosphate in the mining process that produces it. It contains an alarming number of harmful elements in solution.

How did the use of HFSA (hydrofluorosilicic acid) avoid getting our personal consent to be medicated or to at least have us be notified that we are being medicated?

How did the mass-medication with HFSA get away with providing no information while exposing an entire population to it’s fraudulent medicinal claims but harmful health effects?

How did HFSA avoid having toxicology tests performed before being used as mass medication masquerading as a water additive yet being promoted as tooth medicine?

The decision to fluoridate a water supply is made by the local municipality, and is not mandated by any provincial or federal entity.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health Canada provide recommendations about the optimal levels of fluoride in drinking water in order to allegedly prevent tooth decay.Information about CDC’s recommendations can be found at: http://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/.

Health Canada spent millions of dollars on a ludicrously biased and incomplete study claiming that it was extensive and complete and that “the balance of evidence” showed that there was no convincing evidence of harm form water fluoridation. Why did their conclusion differ so drastically from an even more thorough review completed by a well balanced panel of the U.S. NRC in 2006?

Only six panelists were enlisted to review the literature in Canada. All were avid supporters of fluoridation and from the dental profession. None were sufficiently qualified or took the necessary time to fully assess all of the literature available and presented to them for review. This makes a farce out of scientific reviews; it’s a waste of tax dollars and shows that Health Canada does not truly care about fulfilling its mandate to work for improving the health and well being of Canadians when the financial interests of the dental profession is put in the balance.

As much as I would like to believe that most of our highly paid medical bureaucrats with all those letters after their names know what they’re doing and talking about in medicine, that’s not the case when it comes to that contaminated acid pollutant banned by the EPA used for water fluoridation. This has been shown time and again whenever they are questioned about the subject.  Yet they claim to be experts. They all claim and repeat that: it’s safe and effective. Unfortunately, that’s a false claim based on lack of knowledge and misinformation in the case of water fluoridation chemicals that they disparagingly call fluoride.

Here’s one claim that finally admits how ridiculous fluoridation really is. On January 25, 2012, Dr. Bryna Warshawsky, Associate Medical Officer of Health for London-Middlesex, stated in a municipal hearing in London, Ontario: “The main effect from Fluoride is a topical effect” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POdUUPBcSDI). That should be the end of the fluoridation debate and it should end the practice of fluoridation.

No one should have to drink water that has been first purified for drinking, then contaminated with the hydrofluorosilicic acid stew used for fluoridation in any city’s tap water. Any tourist that visits Ottawa and drinks our water is getting medicated with this toxic waste without knowledge or consent, and so without the possibility for follow-up for side effects by a health professional of any kind.

With this most pertinent information, can anyone NOT see that fluoridation of the water supply is a blatant, illogical absurdity that has to stop? Please do something to stop the insanity of fluoridation. Please write to your municipal Councillor today and ask that they bring an end to water fluoridation. Contact me today to find out how you can help end water fluoridation at Rich.Hudon@ffo-olf.org.

Posted in Chemistry, drinking water, Environment, Fluoridation, Fluoride, Health, hydrofluosilicic acid, Truth, water | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Hydrofluorosilicic Acid Fluoridation Considerations

Hydrofluorosilicic acid — contains fluorosilicates… plus other trace co-contaminants.

Health Canada and the US Centers for Disease Control concede — swallowing fluoridated water has very little or no effect on reducing dental caries.

Health Canada’s Chief Dental Officer of Health — admits a lifetime of swallowing fluoridated water results in less than one cavity reduction per person — also corroborated by Statistics Canada.

For decades, Health Canada and others — said fluoridation is “natural” like calcium fluoride in groundwater — while remaining silent on the industrial toxic waste actually being used to fluoridate.

Health Canada has finally been forced to admit — it does not conduct toxicology studies on fluorosilicates such as the hydrofluorosilicic acid used in water fluoridation.

Health Canada has also been forced to admit — human health harm toxicology research has never been conducted on hydrofluorosilicic acid.

Health Canada further admits  — hydrofluorosilicic is not regulated under Canada ‘s Food & Drug Act — nor is it currently regulated under Canada’s Natural Health Product Regulations.

United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says, — while it promotes fluoridation policy, it does not determine safe levels of “fluoride” in drinking water.

Ontario’s Safe Drinking Water Act subscribes to National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 60 for fluoridation chemical “certification” yet, remarkably, NSF Standard 60 does nothing to determine whether hydrofluorosilicic acid is safe or effective for human consumption.

Moreover, NSF has stated it shall not incur obligations, liability or damages pertaining to the use, interpretation, or reliance upon Standard 60.

Ontario’s Safe Drinking Water Act exists to ensure drinking water remains safe, and without health hazards. (http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_02s32_e.htm)

OSDWA Section 19, coming into effect January 1st, 2013, raises that standard of care, extending it to municipal councils.  Council members are to be accountable and personally liable for what they permit into the drinking water system. This may also entrain personal liability to the MOH.

OSDWA Section 20 (1) indicates nothing is allowed into the drinking water system if it could result in a drinking water health hazard.

OSDWA Section 20 (2)(b) is often used to defend water fluoridation as a statutory authority, then pointing to the Ontario Fluoridation Act.

OSDWA Section 20(3) points out dilution is no defence when adding something into the drinking water system, which could (not will, not shall, not does) result in a drinking water health hazard.

Section 166 resolves how conflict between Acts must be handled, whereby the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act prevails over any other Act, unless the other Act expressly states it prevails.

The Ontario Fluoridation Act does not expressly state it prevails over Ontario’s Safe Drinking Water Act — therefore, Ontario ’s Safe Drinking Water Act prevails and overrides the Fluoridation Act.

Ontario’s Fluoridation Act only pertains to a fluoridation system, equipment, materials and compound for releasing Fluorine ions into drinking water.  It remains silent on what chemical compound a municipality should consider.

Ontario’s Fluoridation Act also remains silent on ‘why’ we release Fluorine ions into drinking water systems.

In 1957, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled fluoridating municipal drinking water to be a “compulsory preventive medication of the inhabitants”… and further ruled that current statutory provisions would need to be changed to confer this intention — before Ontario councils could pass by-laws to fluoridate.

Ontario’s Fluoridation Act has forever remained silent on why we release Fluorine ions into drinking water supplies.  Decidedly, the intent is “compulsory preventive medication of the inhabitants.”

Ontario’s Safe Drinking Water Act is about treating drinking water, not treating the inhabitants (http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_02s32_e.htm).

And… subsequent to this 1957 Supreme Court of Canada ruling, we have never subjected fluoridation chemicals to drug testing, drug trials, or drug approvals.

Presently, municipal councils still hold ultimate authority on whether or not to fluoridate.

In that regard, council is all that protects citizens, and all that protects itself.

While much about municipal water fluoridation and fluoridation chemicals remains unlegislated and unregulated — councils and municipalities remain clearly legislated and tightly regulated.

Water fluoridation was never in Health Canada ‘s hands (evidently for good reason).  Water fluoridation was always a social justice issue, and the law is clearly on the peoples’ side.  We need to park our differences and work together to address dental caries in a proper, direct and targeted manner.  Mass medicating via the water supply is over.

We are sympathetic as to the position this places municipal councils in — and we are prepared to field any questions Councillors might have, and offer any assistance required of us to resolve this conundrum.

Posted in Chemistry, drinking water, Environment, Fluoridation, Fluoride, Health, hydrofluosilicic acid, water | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Health Canada’s Credibility at Risk

It takes only three teaspoons of 0.7 mg/l fluoridated tap water to meet the bureaucracies’ falsely labelled “Adequate Intake” of fluoride of 0.01 mg per day. Their equally falsely labelled “Adequate Intake” number used to be higher, I think it was 0.25 mg/day – but the NRC report coming after Hardy’s research, the admission from the Institute of Medicine that fluoride is NOT a nutrient and the CDC announcing that fluoride’s action is topical not systemic, had forced it way down.

The official WHO member resolution on infant feeding does not mention fluoridated water or fluoride supplements at all. It says infants should be breastfed as long as both mother and infant like, and weaning foods introduced by nine months of age should be fresh and nutrient-rich (does not say “fluoride-rich”).

Despite Health Canada’s claim that it complies with WHO/UNICEF directives in recommending fluoridation, there is no evidence that these agencies formally recommend increased fluoride intake at all for infants.

Regarding pharmaceutical fluoride drops and pills:
Health Canada now states that infants should not be supplemented.
The Canadian Dental Association now says infants should not be supplemented.
The Canadian Paediatric Society now says infants should not be supplemented.

Their current recommendations are reversals of their previous positions of ordering fluoride be given to breastfed babies in escalating amounts from birth onward.

Obviously, their fraudulent “Adequate Intake” (AI) of 0.01 mg/day is sufficient. But sufficient for what? Teeth and bones? Then why fluoridate water if mother’s milk and ambient background levels in most tap water already provide this AI for teeth and bones?

Health Canada says fluoridated water is safe for making infant formula and does not overdose them. Really? Fluoride dose from water 100x higher than their sham AI is not overdose? Odd how they recommend as safe for infants an intake of supplementary, non-nutrient fluoride that is 100x higher than any AI for any essential nutrient, or even for water itself, and goes against their own recommendation that infants should not be supplemented with any fluoride at all.

Health Canada says everyone can drink fluoridated water and there is no credible evidence of any health effect at 0.7 mg/L. Well, that’s only true if babies are limited to three teaspoons of water a day.

Health Canada’s appalling lack of basic arithmetic skills highlights the fact that: “According to Health Canada’s own recommendations, babies exceed the AI when they get more than a tablespoon of fluoridated tap water a day.”

Therefore this agency should not be relied upon by our municipal councils for credible advice on water fluoridation providing a safe intake for formula fed infants.

Posted in bones, Chemistry, drinking water, Environment, Fluoridation, Fluoride, Health, hydrofluosilicic acid, Truth, water | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sample Resolution to End Fluoridation

The safe level for arsenic and mercury in food, water and beverages is zero. They are cancer causing. The safe level of lead is also set at zero because it is a known neurotoxin; the fluorine element that is part of the fluoride chemical used in water fluoridation is also a proven neurotoxin and has been known to cause cancer since 1988. Yet, a fluoride chemical containing those contaminants is being added to our water supply.

Let’s then understand the water fluoridation situation knowing the above. Our water treatment plant purifies the water from the Ottawa River to the point where it is drinkable, made potable as they say, using various expensive filtration and chemical processes, then once the water is purified, the water treatment plant adds an unapproved, untested and unregulated, highly hazardous, industrial toxic waste to it called hydrofluorosilicic acid as a fluoridation chemical that contains cancer causing chemicals and other toxic chemicals in it, claiming it has anti tooth decay properties without any objective, valid, substantiating evidence! Now that’s amazing! Actually, that’s plain reckless!

And, according to Health Canada regulations, it’s illegal. How can that be, when Health Canada medical bureaucrats themselves promote water fluoridation? Now that does not make sense. Something is very, very wrong here and needs to be fixed.

Therefore, I propose that the City of Ottawa adopt a resolution as follows:

Sample resolution

WHEREAS the effectiveness of water fluoridation on oral and dental health has never been proven by legitimate, valid, unbiased, substantiated and objective research, and new reports from the York Review (British Dental Journal) and the Medical Research Council in U.K. demonstrate that adding a fluoride chemical to drinking water is ineffectiveness in preventing tooth decay;

AND WHEREAS Health Canada neither tests nor regulates the use of silicofluorides such as hydrofluorosilicic acid or its synonyms for use as medication in municipal water supplies;

AND WHEREAS fluoride chemicals have been shown to be harmful to some people, including diabetics, people with kidney disease, babies, the elderly, children and subgroups of the population as determined by the Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards, Fluoride in Drinking Water, 2006;

AND WHEREAS a medication without a doctor’s prescription is being given to an entire population, each member of which has not given his or her consent and each member’s need for which has not been identified;

AND WHEREAS it is unethical to medicate anyone without their consent as predicated by recognized medical and pharmaceutical protocol;

AND WHEREAS over 99% of the city’ water is not used for human consumption, therefore over 99% of the medicinal chemical used as tooth medicine and all associated tax dollars are thus wasted;

AND WHEREAS it has been conclusively shown that the hydrofluorosilicic acid used in water fluoridation contains Lead, cancer causing chemicals such as Mercury, Fluorine, Arsenic, Uranium 238 and other toxic chemicals;

AND WHEREAS the U.S. EPA and Health Canada have no empirical scientific data on the effects of fluosilicic acid (a.k.a. hydrofluorosilicic acid) or sodium silicofluoride (a.k.a. sodium hexafluorosilicate) on health and behaviour;

AND WHEREAS the U.S. EPA has an outstanding ban on fluorosilicates such as the hydrofluorosilicic acid used to fluoridate Ottawa’s water supply because it’s an industrial toxic contaminant;

AND WHEREAS an NRC Canada report dated 1977 shows beyond any doubt that fluoride chemicals produced adverse health effects on some individuals and on farm animals exposed to or ingesting fluoride chemicals;

AND WHEREAS eleven U.S. EPA employee unions representing over 7,000 environmental and public health professionals of the Civil Service have called for a moratorium on drinking water fluoridation programs in the U.S.A.;

AND WHEREAS two EPA scientists have confirmed that the safety standards for water fluoridation in America are based on fraudulent science;

AND WHEREAS there are no toxicological or human studies on hydrofluorosilicic acid that prove that it is safe to use as required by Health Canada regulations;

AND WHEREAS over 3800 professionals worldwide, from dozens of professions, have signed a professional statement rejecting the practice of water fluoridation;

AND WHEREAS the vast majority of European countries reject water fluoridation outright on various legitimate grounds;

AND WHEREAS waste water purification treatment plants can not remove fluoride chemicals, and the resulting fluoride contained therein is released into our waterways;

AND WHEREAS fluoride is toxic and bio-accumulative and we now have conclusive proof of adverse consequences of it on plants and wildlife;

AND WHEREAS fluoridated water is not a necessary health measure for those who practice good oral health measures and that there are much more effective and less costly methods for the people who need it such as education in schools and the distribution of toothbrushes;

AND WHEREAS fluoridated water is not a necessary health measure for those who have lost their teeth and for infants who do not yet have teeth in their mouths;

AND WHEREAS the cessation or absence of fluoridation has never resulted in any adverse health effects or any increase in dental decay;

AND WHEREAS it can cost approximately of $20,000 per patient to repair tooth fluorosis over the lifetime of any particular individual and that over 40% of children between the ages of 12 and 15 in North America suffer from this disease;

AND WHEREAS The American Medical Association prior to 1945 had always validly presented fluoride chemicals as proscribed for human use due to recognized adverse health effects;

AND WHEREAS all of the above statements can be verified from reliable sources;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Ottawa, for the protection of the health of its residents, hereby declares a moratorium on fluoridation of its drinking water effective immediately until valid, objective and reliable proof is obtained contrary to all of the assertions in this resolution.

For more information, please contact us at 613-747-7157; ffo-olf@rogers.com, text only: 613-852-8692

Richard Hudon, Fluoridation-Free Ottawa, http://ffo-olf.org/.

Posted in Chemistry, drinking water, Environment, Fluoridation, Fluoride, Health, hydrofluosilicic acid, legal, Truth, water | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Great Fluoridation Fraud in Brief

Machoro (Italy) uses sodium fluoride in the successful treatment of hyperthyroidism.

Wilhelm May (Germany) also starts fluoride therapy in the treatment of hyperthyroidism, using calcium fluoride tablets, topical ointments, etc..

DeEds F., Fluorine in Relation to Bone and Tooth Development, JADA, 23, 1936, p 574.
Fluorine is a general protoplasmic poison, but the most important symptoms of chronic fluorine poisoning known at present are mottling of the teeth and interference with bone formation.

Litzka (Germany) discusses the mode of action of fluorides in treating patients with hyperthyroidism: fluoride antagonizes thyroid hormone effects/glycolysis in liver and influences glycolysis in skeletal muscle.

Wilhelm May reports further on his fluoride therapy, including the use of sodium fluoride ointments (up to one year-therapy), and Fluorotyrosin (6 to 8 – week therapy). Also reports on findings that two other common medications given in the treatment of hyperthyroidism – Solvitren and Tyronorman – had been found to contain fluoride, in fact double the amount used in Fluorotyrosin. Further May reports that the traditional areas where people had been sent for “natural therapy” (‘Kur’) were found to contain higher amounts of fluoride in the water.

Kraft (Knoll AG, Germany) investigates inorganic sodium fluoride and organic fluoride compounds fluorobenzoic acid and fluorotyrosine and reports that all fluoride compounds inhibit thyroid hormones. It is a matter of amplification – the fluoride component is essential.

Yearbook of Agriculture.
Fluorine interferes with the normal calcification of the teeth during the process of their formation so that affected teeth, in addition to being usually discolored and ugly in appearance, are structurally weak and deteriorate early in life. For this reason, it is especially important that fluorine be avoided during the period of tooth formation, that is, from birth to the age of 12 years.

Schwarz (Germany) prepares fluoride/iodide anti-thyroid medications and combines with sedatives.

Researchers from the US Public Health Service examine the health of residents of Bartlett, Texas to see if the 8ppm fluoride in the drinking water was affecting their health. It was checked again in 1953. They find that the death rate in Bartlett was three times higher than a neighbouring town which contained 0.4 ppm fluoride.

The Journal of the American Medical Association on September 18, 1943, states:
“Fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, changing the permeability of the cell membrane by inhibiting certain enzymes. The exact mechanism of such actions are obscure. The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1ppm or more of fluorine, fluorine compounds used as insecticidal sprays for fruits and vegetables (cryolite and barium fluoro- silicate) and the mining and conversion of phosphate rock to super phosphate, which is used as a fertilizer. That process alone releases approximately 25,000 tons of pure fluorine into the atmosphere annually. Other sources of fluorine intoxication is from the fluorides used in the smelting of many metals, such as steel and aluminum, and in the production of glass, enamel and brick.”

January 6, 1944. Dr. Paul A. Neal of the National Institutes of Health outlined the critical importance of fluoride to the war economy-and emphasized how little doctors knew about health effects on workers. Aluminum, magnesium, refrigerants, aerosol propellants, insecticides, phosphates for animal feeds, hydrofluoric acid (“especially its use as a catalyst in oil refining”), and the employment of fluoride fluxes among an estimated 150,000 welders were just some of the burgeoning uses for fluoride in the war effort, Neal reported. There was a “definite need,” he added, “for careful, thorough investigation on workmen who have been exposed for many years to fluorides. However, it has been postponed until after the war since such an investigation could hardly be made at this time without undue interruption of the output of these industries.”5tfd

The conference organizers had made what seemed to be a surprising addition to the guest list: Dr. David B. Ast, chief dental officer of the New York State Health Department. Dr. Ast was then preparing to add sodium fluoride to the drinking water of Newburgh, New York, in a stated bid to improve dental health in children. Although the conference had been secretly arranged by the Manhattan Project – whose industrial contractors were concerned that workers in bomb factories would be poisoned by fluoride – the dental researcher quickly justified his attendance at the conference. Military officials and industrial contractors heard a conference report that “animal tests were of doubtful value” in studying fluoride toxicity in humans, and that there was confusion over amounts that “may cause deleterious effects in adults.” Dr. Ast then boldly volunteered a solution.6tfd He suggested that researchers could examine whether fluoride in drinking water was harmful to people, and thereby help to determine whether the chemical posed a risk to workers in factories. 5tfd-6tfd: The Fluoride Deception, page 81.

The city manger of Grand Rapids, Michigan announces that the Michigan State Department of Health is planning a long range experiment with fluoridated water and that Grand Rapids was selected as the location for the experiment. The city commission approves a motion to fluoridate on July 31, and decide it is to begin in January 1945, despite the warning issued three months earlier by the American Dental Association. Grand Rapids becomes the first city in the United States to conduct this experiment. It was to serve as the test city to be compared against un-fluoridated Muskegon for a period of ten years relative to tooth decay, at which time it would be determined whether or not fluoride was “safe and effective.” Dr. H. Trendley Dean was put in charge of the project. The experiment was terminated early with the pronouncement that fluorides in public water supplies was “safe”.

Oscar Ewing is put on the payroll of the Aluminium Company of America (ALCOA), as an attorney, at an annual salary of $750,000. Within a few months, Ewing was made Federal Security Administrator, with the announcement that he was taking a big cut in salary. The US Public Health Service, then a division of the FSA, comes under the command of Ewing, and he begins to vigorously promote fluoridation nationwide. Ref: May 25-27 Hearings before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. A by-product of aluminium manufacture is toxic sodium fluoride. Ewing’s public relations strategist for the fluoride campaign was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward L. Bernays. Bernays conducts a public relations campaign to promote fluorine ingestion by applying Freudian theory to induce public acceptance. It was one of Bernays most successful campaigns.

The Journal of the American Dental Association on October 1, 1944 warned that “We do know that the use of drinking water containing as little as 1.2 to 3.0 ppm of fluorine will cause such developmental disturbances in bones as osteoporosis, and we cannot run the risk of producing such systemic disturbances in applying what at present is a doubtful procedure intended to prevent development of dental disfigurement in children. In the light of our present knowledge or lack of knowledge of the chemistry of the subject, the potentialities for harm far outweigh those for good.”

September 1944:
Accounts of fluoride injury mushroomed as the laboratory work moved into full-scale industrial production. At Oak Ridge in September 1944, 190 pounds of hexafluoride gas escaped into a room, drifted outdoors, and formed a chemical cloud “20 yards by 20 yards.” Nine workers were exposed “for periods of twenty seconds to five minutes,” injuring “the mouth, salivary organs, pharynx, skin, eyes and lungs.”22tfd The news got worse: that same year, 1944, General Groves got shocking new reports of multiple deaths in the nuclear program. Details of those fatalities and fluoride’s role have remained hidden, often for a half-century or more.

The stories of the DuPont workers, who may have been fluoride’s first wartime fatalities, have not been made public until now. (And they remain anonymous: once-secret military documents describing the deaths do not record their names.) On January 15,1944, a laboratory assistant, a chemist, and “a girl technician” producing the fluorinated plastic Teflon for the bomb program were exposed to waste gases. Shortness of breath followed twelve hours later and “by the end of 36 hours, all three were in the hospital,” Colonel Warren was informed.23tfd The chemist recovered but the other two died terrible deaths, turning purple and unable to breathe.24tfd 22tfd-24tfd: The Fluoride Deception, page 50.

On January 25, 1945 (The Fluoride Deception, page 86.), Grand Rapids, Michigan [fluoridated]; without health effects measured. … that study is scientifically dishonest. After five years tooth decay declined equally in Grand Rapids and its control city Muskegon Michigan so Muskegon’s water was fluoridated … http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=597_1201185775

On May 2, 1945 (The Fluoride Deception, page 83.), Newburgh, New York has their water supply fluoridated. Subsequent exams of the children by x-ray reveal that almost 14% have cortical defects in bone, compared to the nearby unfluoridated town of Kingston, where 7.5% have bone defects. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=597_1201185775

The Atomic Energy Commission (Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology – headed by Harold Carpenter Hodge, incomprehensibly at the same time also head of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) – acknowledges the German findings that all fluoride compounds – organic or inorganic – inhibit thyroid hormone activity, and declares this issue a research priority. No further research into this issue is conducted, however.

Richard May reports on the highly successful use of the organic fluoride compounds Pardinon (IG Farben) and Capacin (Knoll AG) in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Up until 1943, 10,000 patients had been cured.

As a result of government propaganda on fluorides, the ten year Michigan study was terminated after just over 5 years. The fluoride-free control city, Muskegon, was then fluoridated (apparently to conceal any differential between the two cities).

… researchers reported more bone defects, anemia and earlier female menstruation in [girls] purposely dosed with sodium fluoride-laced drinking water (1956 Journal of the American Dental Association).

… ten years ago Newburgh’s faucets began spouting 1.2 parts per million (ppm) sodium fluoride. Nearby Kingston, New York, the control city for comparison purposes, was left fluoride-free.
… physicians and dentists are “off-labeling” sodium fluoride as a cavity preventive for children … in much smaller doses than needed to kill rats. Fluoride Dangers
Newburgh-Kingston caries-fluorine study. XIII. Pediatric findings after ten years. Journal Amer. Dental Assoc. 1956 Mar;52(3):296-306. SCHLESINGER ER, OVERTON DE, CHASE HC, CANTWELL KT.

Supreme Court Justice J.P. Flaherty – former Chairman of the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences – in a 1979 letter to the Mayor of Auckland, N.Z.
“…the evidence is quite convincing that the addition of sodium fluoride to the public water supply at one part per million is extremely deleterious to the human body…. Prior to my hearing this case, I gave the matter of fluoridation little if any, thought but I received quite an education, and noted that the proponents of fluoridation do nothing more than try to impugn the objectivity of those who oppose fluoridation.”

Chief Dental Officer, British Ministry of Health and Social Security, December 11, 1980.
…no laboratory test has ever shown that 1 part per million fluoride in the drinking water reduces tooth decay.

Muller et al demonstrated that 6 nanometres of thickness of enamel (the thickness of a spermatozoa’s tail) is created when teeth are brushed with fluoridated toothpaste. This is such a minute depth of protection that as soon as one chews on any food, the 6 nanometres are easily removed. It’s not like there’s any “glue” holding it in place. It just floats on the surface like a super thin film.

Windsor, Ontario: The chair of the Windsor Utilities Commission supports removing fluoride from the city’s drinking water. CBC News, May 24, 2012. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/story/2012/05/24/wdr-fluoride-bill-marra.html

The Case Against Fluoride – Dr.’s Connett, Beck & Micklem, Chelsea Green, 2010.
The Fluoride Deception, Christopher Bryson, Seven Stories Press, 2004, 2006, paperback edition page references.
Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards – National Research Council, U.S.A., 2006.
Posted in Chemistry, drinking water, Environment, Fluoridation, Fluoride, Health, hydrofluosilicic acid, legal, Truth, water | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Fluoration inquiétante à Trois Rivières – Fluoridation Worries in Trois-Rivières

Fluoration inquiétante à Trois Rivières

Les citoyens de Trois-Rivières inquiets de la fluoration ont bien raison. Grâce à la Loi à l’accès à l’information et le processus de pétitions au Commissaire à l’environnement du Bureau du Vérificateur général du Canada, nous avons pu obtenir des faits plus qu’inquiétants, plutôt fort troublants sur l’innocuité et les conditions de salubrité de la production des produits chimiques servant à 1a fluoration de l’eau potable.

Nous avons appris de la Ministre de la Santé du Canada Madame Leona Aglukkaq que Santé Canada n’exerce aucune surveillance et aucun contrô1e sur les fluorures servant à 1a fluoration. Ces fluorures servant supposément à la prévention de la carie dentaire, une allégation thérapeutique, ne sont pas selon Santé Canada des médicaments, ni des produits de santé naturels et pas plus une source acceptable d’un minéral nutritif.

I1s ne remplissent pas les conditions de salubrité requises pour son ajout aux aliments ou à l’eau. Conséquemment, Ils ne peuvent pas être nutritifs. Ce sont des produits chimiques de qualité industrielle récupérés des processus de dépollution des usines d’engrais chimiques phosphates. Nous sommes troublés par le fait que des produits chimiques aux conditions sanitaires de fabrication, d’empaquetage, de transport et d’entreposage plus que douteuses servent à traiter nos enfants contre la carie.

C’est comme si on voulait nous servir du sel sale de déglaçage des routes comme médicament ou comme aliment.

Pour Santé Canada, les fluorures ajoutés à l’eau potable ne sont que des produits chimiques de traitement de l’eau potable. Légalement, les produits chimiques de traitement de l’eau ne traitent que l’eau et n’ont pas la légalité de traiter les gens contre une maladie. Le fluorure ne rend pas l’eau potable …

La Ministre de la Santé du Canada affirme que la santé publique est protégée par le fait que les produits chimiques de traitement de l’eau doivent tous subir des tests de toxicologie d’une exposition chronique pour assurer leur innocuité pour la santé et que le consortium de la National Sanitation Foundation a fait de l’exécution de ses tests une condition sine qua non de sa certification.

Or, les produits chimiques de fluoration font une entorse a cette règle obligatoire. La National Sanitation Foundation a une décharge dans son document qui la libère de cette tâche en prétendant que cette responsabilité appartient aux gouvernements.

Santé Canada, le ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, le ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, les municipalités ayant recours à la fluoration incluant Trois-Rivières n’ont pas les tests de toxicologie requis. Sans ces tests de toxicologie, la prétention que les produits chimiques de fluoration sont sécuritaires relève de la fraude scientifique.

Conséquemment, la Ville de Trois-Rivières expose sa population à un produit chimique qui n’a pas été démontre sécuritaire. Dans ce cas, je serais un citoyen aussi inquiet que si on ajoutait de l’arsenic dans mon eau.

En fait, les produits chimiques de fluoration contiennent aussi juste un peu d’arsenic, de plomb, de cadmium … J’appuie la Coalition Trifluvienne pour une Eau Très Saine. (http://trsansjluor.wordpress.com/)

Gilles Parent, ND.A.
Coauteur de «La fluoration : autopsie d’une erreur scientifique»

English Translation from the original French.

Fluoridation Worries in Trois-Rivières

The citizens of Trois-Rivières have every reason to be worried about fluoridation. Thanks to the law Freedom of Information Act and the petition process to the Commissioner of Canada’s Auditor General to Environment Canada, we have been able to obtain worrisome facts that are rather troubling on the safety of chemical products used in the fluoridation of drinking water.

We have learned from Health Canada Minister, Ms Leona Aglukkaq, that Health Canada does not provide any control or oversight on the fluorides used in fluoridation. These chemicals are allegedly used to prevent dental caries, a therapeutic claim, are not medicinal according to Health Canada. Neither are they health products nor acceptable mineral nutrients.

They do not meet the health requirements for addition to water or food. They therefore can not be nutrients. They are industrial grade chemicals recovered from the pollution control smoke stacks of the phosphate fertilizer industry. We find it troubling that our children are treated for dental caries with a chemical product of most poor quality of manufacture, handling, shipping and warehousing.

It’s as if we were being given dirty road salt as medication or to season our food.

For Health Canada, fluorides added to water are mere chemical water treatment additive products. Legally, water treatment chemical additives are only for treating water and have no legal standing for treatment of illness. Fluoride does not make water more drinkable…

The Canadian Health Minister says that the public is protected because water treatment chemicals must meet chronic exposure toxicology tests to assure they are harmless to health and that the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) has performed theses tests as a sine qua non condition for certification.

However, the chemical products used in fluoridation somehow escape this mandatory obligation. NSF has a disclaimer in its documentation releasing it of this condition, claiming that this is the responsibility of governments.

Health Canada, the Minister of Health and Social Services, the Minister of Development, Environment and Parks and the municipalities that practice fluoridation, including Trois-Rivières, do not have the required toxicology tests. Without these toxicology tests, the claim that fluoride chemicals are safe are clearly a scientific fraud.

As a consequence, the City of Trois-Rivières is exposing its population to a chemical product that has not demonstrated its safety. So in this case, were I a local resident, I would certainly be as worried as if arsenic was being added to my tap water.

In point of fact, the chemicals used in fluoridation do contain just a small amount of arsenic, in addition to lead, cadmium and other toxins … I support the “Coalition Trifluvienne pour une Eau Très Saine” [liberally translated : the TriRiver Coalition for Very Healthy Water].

Gilles Parent, ND.A.
Co-author of “Fluoridation: Autopsy of a Scientific Error” – «La fluoration : autopsie d’une erreur scientifique»).

Posted in Chemistry, drinking water, Environment, Fluoridation, Fluoride, Health, hydrofluosilicic acid, legal, Truth, water | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Join the Fluoridation Cessation Revolution?

Join the revolution in Ottawa to help bring an end to putting industrial toxic waste in our tap water. It’s unregulated hydrofluorosilicic acid, is banned by the EPA as a contaminant and listed by Transport Canada as corrosive toxic waste. The city of Ottawa admits to using it on its own website here: http://ottawa.ca/en/env_water/water_sewer/water_wells/quality/facts/fluoride/#P32_3079

It’s important to understand that this *fluoride* is not a natural mineral, nor a pharmaceutical grade fluoride as we are often misled to believe by inference by our health bureaucrats. Instead, the *fluoride* chemical is the highly hazardous toxic waste from phosphate fertilizer industry that extracts the phosphate in the mining process that produces it.

It also contains arsenic, lead, mercury and other elements noxious to our health because they are not bio-available, as well as uranium238, polonium and other radioactive elements and passed off as *tooth medicine* given to us without our consent or medical follow up or dosage control: you can drink as much water as you like, with that acid in it.

Once it’s in the water it gets into everything we prepare, all that we cook, bake, and combine for our food and drink using tap water plus it gets in all processed and restaurant foods and beverages that use tap water: you just can’t escape swallowing it with whatever you eat and drink. If you live in, work in or visit the Ottawa area, you are drinking fluoridated water with every glass of water as well as every gulp of any beverage and every bite of food prepared with tap water that you swallow.

This solution of toxic waste is dumped into our water supply unpurified, unapproved and untested . It’s called *fluoride* that is now known to cause or aggravate all kinds of illnesses. See http://slweb.org/bibliography.html. Fluoride (the Fluorine ion) is carcinogenic and neurotoxic and causes or aggravates many other illnesses. We have the proof. Everyone needs to know this.

What’s odd and difficult to understand is that our water treatment plants purify the water from the source to make it drinkable, using various expensive filtration and chemical processes. Then once the water is purified, they add that highly hazardous, industrial toxic waste to it, the unpurified hydrofluorosilicic acid, that contains cancer causing and neurotoxic substances in it! Of course, it’s not how the medical bureaucrats present this! Check out the City’s *fluoride* web site page.

It’s sounds insane! but it’s true.

1) ask your neighbor if they know about the dangers of water fluoridation;
2) personally contact your Councillor and ask for their position on the issue;
3) send a short text to you councilor by email expressing your opposition.

You can use the information from the Second Look web site pages (slweb.org) below to help you compose short note to your Councillor after first announcing your objection. You will more than likely receive a “beautiful” but irrelevant marketing propaganda message provided by the Medical Officer of Health from the Ottawa Public Health office or one of his Officers. Don’t give up. Respond with more short notes pointing out the information you will find at slweb.org.

1) fluoride reduces IQ and increases Alzheimer’s: http://www.slweb.org/bibliography.html#brain;
2) fluoride increases risk of bone cancer: http://www.slweb.org/bibliography.html#cancer;
3) fluoride affects reproduction: http://www.slweb.org/bibliography.html#reproductive;
4. fluoride and bone damage: http://www.slweb.org/bibliography.html#bone;
5. fluoride and thyroid damage: http://www.slweb.org/bibliography.html#thyroid;
6. fluoride and kidney damage: http://www.slweb.org/bibliography.html#kidney;
7. fluoride and tooth decay: http://www.slweb.org/bibliography.html#caries;
8. fluoride and immune system damage: http://www.slweb.org/bibliography.html#immune;
9. fluoride and allergies: http://www.slweb.org/bibliography.html#allergy
10 more… http://www.slweb.org/ and http://www.slweb.org/ftrc.html.

Want to do more? become an activist or advocate for cessation? Contact Rich.Hudon@ffo-olf.org or Bill Albrecht <bill.albrecht@sympatico.ca> or join our Fluoridation-Free Ottawa Facebook group, http://www.facebook.com/groups/FluoridationFreeOttawa/ or become my friend on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/LilttleOldEagle and help bring an end to this absurd, contemptuous and deliberate medicating of Ottawa residents.

Posted in Chemistry, drinking water, Environment, Fluoridation, Health, hydrofluosilicic acid, legal, Truth, water | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Fluoridation – A Costly Proposition

Having fluoride in our municipal water is something most of us accept without question.

Professionals have told us that it’s good for our teeth and that having it in our water saves us time and effort – less time and money spent at the dentist’s office, for example. However, recent findings are telling a different story.

The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) found in 2005 that having fluoride in the water has no impact on cavity rates (See chart here: http://ffo-olf.org/usefulFluorideUseCharts.html#2). Worse than that, the presence of fluoride in our bodies can lead to or aggravate illnesses such as hypothyroidism, cataracts, arthritis, fibromyalgia, liver damage, osteosarcoma and other cancers, Alzheimer’s, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and may others, in addition to being linked to higher uptake of lead in children (Masters and Coplan, journal of NeuroToxicology).

This is because of the type of fluoride used to fluoridate our water supply – hydrofluorosilicic acid (a.k.a. hexafluorosilicic acid, hydrofluosilicic acid, fluorosilicic acid or some other synonym, chemical formula H2SiF6), which is the industrial toxic waste scrubbed from the smoke stacks of fertilizer plants extracting their phosphate from the ground in Florida. It is an environmental contaminant banned by he EPA. This acid unfortunately also contains many other detected contaminants, including lead, aluminum, cadmium and arsenic (Neil Carman, Sierra Club statement in The Austin Chronicle (Texas) – November 27, 2009).

There is a dental grade of fluoride (sodium fluoride), which has been tested and approved for dental application, once used for water fluoridation, but it is cost-prohibitive to add to our water supply.

Since we are exposed to fluoride in many places (municipal water, some processed foods, restaurant meals, pesticide residue on fruits and vegetables), it’s hard to gage just how much fluoride any given person is ingesting. This is a problem since fluoride “dosages” need to be specific to the individual.

Further to this, fluoride is best used as a topical treatment, applied directly to the surface of the teeth, and is not effective at all when swallowed (Cheng KK, et al. (2007)).

The question remains: why are we adding a drug to our water supply? And aren’t medicines best used by following a prescribed dosage? And how does one determine the amount of fluoride being ingested on a daily basis? Should a child get the same amount as an adult? There’s no control on the dose.

So why was fluoride ever added to our drinking water? Richard Foulkes, MD was tasked with researching fluoridation in British Columbia in 1973. Based on his 1900 page report and recommendations that fluoridation become mandatory, legislation was passed in favor of fluoridation for all of B.C.

However, by 1992, Foulkes had discovered that many of the statistics that he had used in his research were falsified. He announced his discovery in a statement: “I now hold a different view. …the fluoridation of community water supplies can no longer be held to be either safe or effective in the reduction of dental caries…. Therefore, the practice should be abandoned.”- Foulkes, 1992.

By November of 2008, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment also announced their opposition to fluoridation. Their full statement is accessible on their website (http://www.cape.ca).

Apart from the ethical issue of medicating municipal water and the effectiveness of fluoride in preventing cavities, there is the further issue of just how much of the fluoride that’s in the water becomes available to us. And, of course, there is a cost involved.

The City Of Ottawa spends over $400 000 per year to fluoridate our water supply. Of the fluoride that’s added to the water, less than 1% will make it’s way into our bodies. Even if the fluoride being added to the water were benefiting us, is this really the most cost-effective way to give it to those who are presumes to need it the most, children and adolescents?

Do we have better things to do with taxpayers’ money? What choices do we have if we don’t want to consume medicated water? What about the environmental impact of the fluoride that goes down the drain? These are questions that we all need to consider. Isn’t there a better use of our tax dollars?

If you feel concerned about it and would like to voice that concern, or if you’d like more information on the issue, please visit Fluoridation-Free Ottawa’s website at: http://ffo-olf.org/. and the Facebook group at: http://www.facebook.com/groups/FluoridationFreeOttawa/ and become better informed on the subject.

Posted in Chemistry, drinking water, Environment, Fluoridation, Fluoride, Health, hydrofluosilicic acid, Truth, water | 1 Comment

Fluoridation – No Benefit and Evidence of Harm

The belittling of fluoride cessation groups and persons is a classic case of literary narcissism – pro-fluoridationists appear to be so in love with their own “clever” wit that they do not even bother to check the facts on the fluoride debate. A growing chorus of reputable science is showing that fluoridation of water has absolutely no benefit and much real and potential for harm (see http://www.fluoridealert.org/).

Appeal to authority – Health Canada statements of support, pronouncements by Medical and Dental Officers of Health – is always the crutch that helps perpetuate spurious conclusions based on incomplete or flawed science. The bad science continues to be referenced by the establishment even in the face of more recent contrary findings and the status quo is maintained.

Examples abound that illustrate this fact: cigarettes, asbestos, lead, pesticides such as DDT, thalidomide and transfats harmed or killed many people before they were labeled harmful. Big organizations do not like to change directions on long held positions. And all of the pro-fluoride research they cite is directly or indirectly paid for by the chemical industry and Dental organizations so that negative results are never published and claims of benefit are cleverly exaggerated.

Thankfully there are many ethical scientists who, at their own professional peril, have been willing to stick their necks out by publishing results that link water fluoridation to negative human health impacts. So the precautionary principle strongly applies in this case – growing evidence of harm means water fluoridation should be stopped until impartial further study can demonstrate its safety and benefit. In the end this is all about money – the fluoride used in water fluoridation is an industrial toxic waste, a result of ore transformation conveniently sold to municipalities thereby turning a money losing toxic waste into a revenue stream.

This all started back in the 1940s when ALCOA and others were looking for a way to get rid of fluoride waste products; they paid for the research that promoted water fluoridation and orchestrated its introduction into municipal water systems as a beneficial practice (ffo-olf.org).

The fact that tooth decay trends in countries where they do not fluoridate (97% of the E.U.) are no worse than where they do, completely undermines the main argument for fluoridation. People get all the fluoride they need from toothpaste and other sources so it does not need to be ingested via water where its bio-accumulative effect can impair health. Like many other progressive jurisdictions (Calgary, Quebec City, the EU and most of the planet), Ottawa should stop wasting money putting this additive into our water.

Do you know of any medical practitioner who in their right mind would treat someone he does not know and has never met, and prescribe a substance that’s meant to do change in their bodies, with no follow-up and the advice: ‘Take as much or as little as you like, but take it for a lifetime because it may help someone teeth.’”?

Adding a substance to tap water for the purpose of reducing tooth decay is medication. It is absolutely ludicrous that we can say no to “medication” prescribed by a doctor, but we can’t say no to medication when ordered to take it with our water by a bunch of crazed bureaucrats.

Posted in Chemistry, drinking water, Environment, Fluoridation, Fluoride, Health, hydrofluosilicic acid, Truth, water | Leave a comment