Ottawa Concerns about fluoridation

Many Councillors and Dr Levy have received the Ottawa Fluoridation Report from Fluoridation-Free Ottawa with actual documents showing that fluoridation is unwarranted, not just lists, and have ignored its contents. Some Councillors have even refused to meet with me and others like me who defend cessation of fluoridation. The Ottawa Public Health office received their copy of the Report in the hands of Dr. Etches, June 13, 2013. Did she read it? Has Dr Levy read it?

We have the science: proponents pushing fluoride claim they have science but they have yet to produce it. Their only “proof of science” is their statements on their authority, endorsements and assurances that they have science on their side. They even resort to some of the most egregious and ludicrous claims of benefits unsupported by science.

So why do people believe them? People believe them to be the experts that they are not; they are supposed to be the authorities, right? Why would they want to mislead us? Because they keep the company of others subject to invincible ignorance spouting out their belief that it works in a way that it does not and can not possibly work. They are riding this tiger and they don’t know how or when to get off.

I and many like me have asked for their science. What did we get? The best they could do was give me a list of documents that they claim shows fluoridation is not a health problem. I’ve read most of those and guess what? They are flagrantly in contradiction to their claims! No surprise there to me and to those who have been aware of and battling this problem even longer than me. Yet they insist on claiming that the documents in their list is really supportive of their claims.

Proponents of fluoridation keep saying that they base their decisions on science based medicine. Well, that may be the case for much of medicine, but not for fluoridation. It baffles the mind how they can make generalizations such as these without substantiating them for fluoridation. They substantiate it for others. Why not fluoridation?

The fluoride acid that is actually used, as supplied, is a contaminated mixture containing pollutants not permitted by Federal and Provincial Laws and Regulations to be added to the water supply. So, why then is this acid mixture being used? Ottawa’s web site calls it Fluoride, saying that fluoride is natural. Not unless it’s Calcium fluoride (CaF2). Then they say it’s present in the air, water and soil. Woo, just a minute here. CaF2 can’t be in the air: it’s too heavy to float around freely in the air. Then they say Hydrofluorosilicic acid is what’s used. Okay, I guess they like to confuse everyone on what’s actually used. Whoever wrote this web page content simply copied and embellished it from a standard text supplied by fluoridation proponents. How do I know that? Because some variations of it are found everywhere that fluoridation is advocated or implemented. Now THERE’S a conspiracy worth investigating…

Dr. Levy should be replaced by a more competent person. That person should have full knowledge of the implications of adding a toxic fluoride industrial waste chemical mixture to the water supply in the lame and unproven belief that it may reduce tooth decay. Why? Because it is being recommended as an “oral health measure” – that’s a euphemism, newspeak, for a tooth decay remedy, as tooth medicine. Pushers of this illegal drug use all say that it reduces tooth decay; the water treatment plant annual mandatory report to the Ministry of the Environment of Ontario says “fluoride is added for prevention of dental cavities:” then it undeniably has to be a medicine, a drug use.

The fluoride chemical used has yet to be proven safe for human consumption even if it releases a low concentration of the Fluorine anion in the water supply. If anyone would be foolish enough to drink even a few ounces of the acid used in fluoridation, it would kill them. The Fluorine anion is bad enough by itself, being a known protoplasmic poison, but the Hydrofluorosilicic acid that contains it is even worse as a fluoridation agent, but the whole mix that it comes in is the worst culprit of all. It is a pollutant, a banned U.S. EPA environmental contaminant that needs special containment at every stage of its handling and delivery.
We have been asked to prove that fluoridation is not safe, which is the reverse of what should happen. Any water additive is required by law to be proven safe for water consumers before being used as such. This has yet to be done even after over 60 years of fluoridation in North America. The claim is that it is certified by NSF but NSF do not do safety studies on the liquid mix that is actually used for fluoridation: they say it’s the user’s responsibility.

In spite of not having to prove lack of safety, we who battle to end fluoridation have done so with a multitude of research reports, scientific studies, peer reviewed articles and mountains of anecdotal evidence. Their response? Junk science! Pseudo-science! Cherry picking! We’ve been told that anecdotal evidence is not scientific, yet, in a court of law, when there is sufficient circumstantial evidence to attempt to prove a case, the accused is usually found guilty. The mountains of anecdotal evidence now available is the same as that type of legal evidence. These fluoridation drug pushers are doing this illegally and must be charged for doing so and found guilty. The law is on our side and must now be used to the advantage of the population that is being poisoned by fluoridation.

Many municipal Councillors, in their confusion, exclaim that proponents have their science that proponents of ending fluoridation have their science, and it is impossible to know and decide who or what’s right. What are they forgetting? The side asking for an end to fluoridation sheds legitimate doubt on fluoridation safety and effectiveness. Shouldn’t fluoridation therefore be stopped until the quandary is resolved, just in case it’s really true? I mean, isn’t the evidence there and admitted to?

Proponents raise a ruckus and cry out that tooth decay rates will be going up and ask if Councillors want the responsibility of millions of rotten teeth on their conscience. Are they mad? There is no proof of such ever being true. In point of fact, the opposite has been categorically shown to happen! My question to these alarmists is: Do you want to be responsible for the millions of people’s illnesses being triggered or aggravated by adding that contaminant into the water supply?

The chemical mix used is not pure Hydrofluorosilicic acid, a bad chemical by itself, but does not meet Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards. We have been tricked into using the fluoride polluting industries’ toxic fluoride waste as a disposal method passed off, and accepted, as a form of “tooth medicine” when it does not even prevent, reduce, or otherwise protect against, tooth decay.

This leads us to one more thing. Did you know that you are being medicated without being consulted and thus without your consent? That is forced medication on a grand scale. A medical doctor who would force a patient to take medication would loose his license to practice medicine. So tell me: why is doctor Levy by force of recommendation, causing Councillors to allow fluoridation to continue, making them part of a collusion to poison everybody? Because if he did not support fluoridation he may stand to lose his job, his prestige, his grotesquely high salary, and the respect of his peers. To put that ahead of the health and well being of those he is sworn as a doctor to serve is grounds for his dismissal.

I say to Dr Levy: make the right choice now. Maybe the citizens of Ottawa will be lenient and respect you more for having made the right choice and ask that you remain as their health care manager without reduction in your super-size salary and perks. What should be more important to Dr Levy? The health of residents or his prestige and approval of his peers?

I say to the Citizens of Ottawa and FFO: please keep up the pressure. Your future improved health outcomes and that of all of your children and grandchildren, depend on it; not acting to end fluoridation means that you are unfortunately allowing all of your loved ones to be poisoned by fluoridation.
Fluoridation is wasteful, ineffective, unproven, unsafe, unnatural, unnecessary and unethical. The acid used as a drug is unregulated and unapproved: it does not have a DIN and is technically unlawfully used as a drug in fluoridation. Water is for everyone: fluoride is not.

There’s more, so much more, but my time is up. I challenge anyone in authority to discuss or debate the subject with me in a public, open forum.

Contributions to FFO to help pay for rental of meeting rooms, printing, advertising and other costs may be sent to Fluoridation-Free Ottawa, c/o Terry St.Jean, 339 Templeton St, Ottawa, K1N 6X5 or by making a deposit into our bank account at any branch of TD Canada Trust. Ask me for the account number to use.

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